XRF Testing
The XRF testing method is dependent on fundamental principles common to many other instrumental methods in terms of interactions between electron beams and X-ray samples, including X-ray spectroscopy (eg, SEM - EDS) , X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectroscopy and dispersion wavelength (WDS microprobe).
Analysis of major and trace elements in geological materials by XRF is made possible by the behavior of atoms when they interact with radiation. When the materials are very pleased to high-energy radiation of short wavelength (eg X-rays), they can be irradiated. If the energy of radiation is sufficient to dislodge an electron within well maintained, the atom is unstable and an outer electron replaces the inner electron missing. When this happens, energy is released by a reduced binding energy of the orbital electrons of internal versus external cannula. The radiation emitted energy is lower than the X-rays incident primary and is called fluorescence. Because the photon energy emitted is characteristic of a specific transition between the orbitals of electrons in a particular element, the X-rays resulting fluorescent can be used to detect the abundance of elements present in the sample.
More information at >> xrftesting.co.ccXRF Testing